Buying Furniture Online

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It is often to the customers benefit to purchase large items such as furniture from a brick and mortar business (in-store) and not online.

The tug of war between online sales and in-store shopping continues. But, to the surprise of many, in-store shopping is holding its own despite the convenience features now available in a variety of online platforms. This is especially true in the furniture business.

Why do we say that? A recent article on, Why Most Shoppers Still Choose Brick-and-Mortar Stores Over E-commerce stated the following reasons people still prefer to purchase many things in a brick and mortar:
The ability to see, touch and feel products as well as take items home immediately rank highest among the reasons consumers choose to shop in stores versus online

One in five consumers cites easy returns as a key reason for shopping in stores versus online.

To those reasons, add:

  • The customer does not have to assemble the item
  • The item is inspected for damage before customer takes delivery ñ not  after
  • Store handles warranty issues if items are damaged
  • The customer does not have to handle repacking and shipping a large item if that becomes necessary

Before you walk into our store and touch or sit on a piece of furniture, we have to unpack, inspect, and assemble. And if a piece is damaged, we contact the manufacturer, we pack and ship the item. These are things you donít have to deal with.

When you walk through our doors we have performed due diligence to make sure the piece you purchase is ready to go home with you and make you happy. Like a puppy. And again, if there is a defect we missed, we call the company and we handle the warranty issues. Not you.

So yes. We get it. Sometimes, ordering online saves money. Or does it? It depends. How is your blood pressure? And what is your time worth?


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